Friday, October 9, 2015

Do You Need Help?

If you’re like me you are on complete information overload. With today’s technology, there are manyways to market your business. There is something new every day. LinkedIn, Squidoo, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Articles, Blogging, Email Marketing, and the list goes on and on.

How do you keep up?

Seems impossible doesn’t it? Well I am happy to say I have found the solution. 
The company is called ‘123Employee’ and they offer full time and part time dedicated virtual assistants from their U.S. run facilities overseas. You can get full time employees for around $6 an hour. Part time 
packages start as low as $349 per month.

But that’s not all, ‘123Employee’ has pre-trained people for web design and internet marketing. So the things that you may not know how to do like Squidoo Lenses, Blog Posting, Article Writing, etc., they can do it… 

This equals leads and sales for your business!

Here’s the best part, you don’t pay a penny until you hire your first employee. That’s right, the folks at ‘123Employee’ will not charge you anything until you actually hire someone. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 

Check them out here! and receive your free copy of ‘Outsource This!’ your guide to global outsourcing.


The Audio Book of ‘Outsource This!’
5 Part List Building Video Series.
The Outsourcing Blueprint Computer App.

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