Monday, October 12, 2015

Internet Marketing -Outsourcing: What Every Internet Marketer Needs

Internet Marketing -Outsourcing: What Every Internet Marketer Needs: By now most savvy Internet marketers have discovered that if they’re going to run their online businesses effectively, they need to dele...

New Wealth and Freedom Lifestyle!

Do you ever feel overwhelmed, working in your business rather than on your business? Do you wish you could you could work less, make more, be more productive so you could live a better quality of life, spend more time with your family and friends, enjoy the lifestyle you desire?
You may have heard that outsourcing can help with all the above. However, if you are like most entrepreneurs, what we really need is a ‘Done For You’ make MORE money solution!
I want to introduce you to Daven Michaels, CEO of 123Employee, he is helping entrepreneurs all over the world create a ‘New Wealth & Freedom’ lifestyle. If you have been to recent personal development events you may recognize the name. Daven has been creating quite a buzz over the recent months!
Many personal development trainers talk about making more money, working less, turning your passion into prosperity, having more time and freedom… Daven does more than talk about it, he has lived it, breathes it… and now he is teaching his secret formula and strategies and helping entrepreneurs create the New Wealth & Freedom lifestyle by strategically delegating marketing, social media and other business tasks to oversees virtual assistants, so that entrepreneurs can make more money! 
Daven Michaels has been labeled the ‘Super Entrepreneur’ by the media and his associates. Having worked with him, I understand why! Daven, who has been an entrepreneur since the age of 15, has been successful in the designer clothes retail industry, electronic music live event promotion for crowds as large as 20,000 people, this led to an award winning career as a music producer, TV & film producer and most recently as the CEO of 123Employee, a premier outsourcing center in the Philippines with over 350 virtual employees.
Daven knows how to turn his passion into prosperity. He has done it time and time again and now he has created a practical system that you can use to do the same.
This is no ordinary info product or training program. Daven has created the ultimate ‘Done For You’ marketing, automation, delegation and outsourcing education and service package to help entrepreneurs improve the quality of their life. I invite you to listen closely as Daven reveals his secrets of success and what it takes to truly create a successful business.
And for a limited time you can get the whole system for FREE!  Make sure to watch his video and then use the promo code: Special.
Click here to get all the details.
Joe BloggDo you ever feel overwhelmed, working in your business rather than on your business? Do you wish you could you could work less, make more, be more productive so you could live a better quality of life, spend more time with your family and friends, enjoy the lifestyle you desire?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed, working in your business rather than on your business? Do you wish you could you could work less, make more, be more productive so you could live a better quality of life, spend more time with your family and friends, enjoy the lifestyle you desire?
You may have heard that outsourcing can help with all the above. However, if you are like most entrepreneurs, what we really need is a ‘Done For You’ make MORE money solution!
I want to introduce you to Daven Michaels, CEO of 123Employee, he is helping entrepreneurs all over the world create a ‘New Wealth & Freedom’ lifestyle. If you have been to recent personal development events you may recognize the name. Daven has been creating quite a buzz over the recent months!
Many personal development trainers talk about making more money, working less, turning your passion into prosperity, having more time and freedom… Daven does more than talk about it, he has lived it, breathes it… and now he is teaching his secret formula and strategies and helping entrepreneurs create the New Wealth & Freedom lifestyle by strategically delegating marketing, social media and other business tasks to oversees virtual assistants, so that entrepreneurs can make more money! 
Daven Michaels has been labeled the ‘Super Entrepreneur’ by the media and his associates. Having worked with him, I understand why! Daven, who has been an entrepreneur since the age of 15, has been successful in the designer clothes retail industry, electronic music live event promotion for crowds as large as 20,000 people, this led to an award winning career as a music producer, TV & film producer and most recently as the CEO of 123Employee, a premier outsourcing center in the Philippines with over 350 virtual employees.
Daven knows how to turn his passion into prosperity. He has done it time and time again and now he has created a practical system that you can use to do the same.
This is no ordinary info product or training program. Daven has created the ultimate ‘Done For You’ marketing, automation, delegation and outsourcing education and service package to help entrepreneurs improve the quality of their life. I invite you to listen closely as Daven reveals his secrets of success and what it takes to truly create a successful business.
And for a limited time you can get the whole system for FREE!  Make sure to watch his video and then use the promo code: Special.
Click here to get all the details.
Joe Blogg
Do you ever feel overwhelmed, working in your business rather than on your business? Do you wish you could you could work less, make more, be more productive so you could live a better quality of life, spend more time with your family and friends, enjoy the lifestyle you desire?

You may have heard that outsourcing can help with all the above. However, if you are like most entrepreneurs, what we really need is a ‘Done For You’ make MORE money solution!

I want to introduce you to Daven Michaels, CEO of 123Employee, he is helping entrepreneurs all over the world create a ‘New Wealth & Freedom’ lifestyle. If you have been to recent personal development events you may recognize the name. Daven has been creating quite a buzz over the recent months!

Many personal development trainers talk about making more money, working less, turning your passion into prosperity, having more time and freedom… Daven does more than talk about it, he has lived it, breathes it… and now he is teaching his secret formula and strategies and helping entrepreneurs create the New Wealth & Freedom lifestyle by strategically delegating marketing, social media and other business tasks to oversees virtual assistants, so that entrepreneurs can make more money!

Daven Michaels has been labeled the ‘Super Entrepreneur’ by the media and his associates. Having worked with him, I understand why! Daven, who has been an entrepreneur since the age of 15, has been successful in the designer clothes retail industry, electronic music live event promotion for crowds as large as 20,000 people, this led to an award winning career as a music producer, TV & film producer and most recently as the CEO of 123Employee, the premier outsourcing center in the Philippines with over 350 virtual employees.

Daven knows how to turn his passion into prosperity. He has done it time and time again and now he has created a practical system that you can use to do the same.This is no ordinary info product or training program. Daven has created the ultimate ‘Done For You’ marketing, automation, delegation and outsourcing education and service package to help entrepreneurs improve the quality of their life.
I invite you to listen closely as Daven reveals his secrets of success and what it takes to truly create a successful business.And for a limited time you can get the whole system for FREE!
Make sure to watch his video and then use the promo code: Special

Click here! to get all the details.

Friday, October 9, 2015

What Every Internet Marketer Needs

By now most savvy Internet marketers have discovered that if they’re going to run their online businesses effectively, they need to delegate repetitious and time-consuming tasks in order to keep their focus on tasks that require greater inspiration, initiative and brainpower.

Tasks these marketers usually retain for themselves include planning and strategizing, creating ‘irresistible offers,’ establishing and nurturing relationships and joint ventures, creating new products and similar tasks.

Tasks that they’ve usually been STUCK doing because they didn’t have someone trained to do them have included everything from email management and customer support to their day-to-day blog and social media site updates.

Many marketers have been hesitant to hire a virtual assistant, until now, there haven’t been many, if any, outsourcing companies willing or able to offer them a virtual assistant on a part-time basis. And, nobody wants their full time worker to be sitting around twiddling their thumbs because either they didn’t have time to train them in a particular task or because they couldn’t currently think of what to have them do as they’re already so inundated with urgent things they themselves need to handle.

I’ve looked at these challenges and have come up with a couple of solutions I think you’ll be very pleased with.

123Employee has been offering a full-time 40 hour per week service for years and have had many, many satisfied clients. However, seeing the need for part-time assistance by many Internet marketers, they've decided for a limited time to offer part-time virtual assistants to help Internet marketers get their online work accomplished faster and easier.

Not only that, they’ve also implemented an in-house training program to get their agents up-to-speed in completing the kinds of tasks Internet marketers need most -- such as basic Internet marketing skills, Squidoo, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, article posting, Twitter and more. This way when you hire a virtual assistant from 123Employee you hit the ground running, so-to-speak, where they can immediately update your blog or create a Squidoo lens for you, or create and maintain a Twitter campaign for you.

These tasks are in addition to the many other standard tasks their virtual assistants have always been able to do such as sales follow-up calls and e-mails, article writing, link building, and much more. 

If there’s something highly specific you need, just train them once and they’ll be good-to-go from then on out. 

If you’re doing everything yourself, you’re literally burning dollars. If your time is worth $25/hour and you’re doing tasks that you can be delegating at $5 per hour, you might as well take a lighter to a $20 bill each and every hour as that’s essentially what it’s costing you.

If you’re ready for a full-time virtual assistant, great. They have them ready to support you. If you need fewer than 40 hours per week, they offer smaller numbers of hours such as 20 hours or even as low as 10 hours per week. I suggest you check them out right away.

But don't delay, 123 is in a serious growth spurt and space is limited.

One more thing. We have arranged for you to receive a free copy of 'Outsource This' when you <click here>

'Outsource This' will teach you all the ins and outs of global outsourcing.

The Audio Book of 'Outsource This!'
5 Part List Building Video Series.
The Outsourcing Blueprint Computer App.

As always, I look forward to assisting you in your online success!

Do You Need Help?

If you’re like me you are on complete information overload. With today’s technology, there are manyways to market your business. There is something new every day. LinkedIn, Squidoo, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Articles, Blogging, Email Marketing, and the list goes on and on.

How do you keep up?

Seems impossible doesn’t it? Well I am happy to say I have found the solution. 
The company is called ‘123Employee’ and they offer full time and part time dedicated virtual assistants from their U.S. run facilities overseas. You can get full time employees for around $6 an hour. Part time 
packages start as low as $349 per month.

But that’s not all, ‘123Employee’ has pre-trained people for web design and internet marketing. So the things that you may not know how to do like Squidoo Lenses, Blog Posting, Article Writing, etc., they can do it… 

This equals leads and sales for your business!

Here’s the best part, you don’t pay a penny until you hire your first employee. That’s right, the folks at ‘123Employee’ will not charge you anything until you actually hire someone. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 

Check them out here! and receive your free copy of ‘Outsource This!’ your guide to global outsourcing.


The Audio Book of ‘Outsource This!’
5 Part List Building Video Series.
The Outsourcing Blueprint Computer App.